Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Using Sclerotherapy to Treat Varicose Veins

Varicose Veins are englarged veins that become very swollen and eventually they become raised above the surface of the skin . Varicose veins are often found behind the back of your calf or inside your legs. They appear because the veins that pump the blood to heart become weak. This results in the blood returning to the vein and collect there. During this time the vein will enlarge and collect the blood that is unable to return back to the heart.

Scleorotherapy is extremely useful when it comes to curing varicose veins. It works with the vein being injected with as solution that should begin to irritate the lining of the blood vessel. This will eventually cause the blood vessel to swell and stick together. Over time, the vein fades into scar tissue.

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Sclerotherapy is a plastic surgery procedure that treats blood vessel malformations or blood vessels. The deterioration of the blood vessels is often called spider veins. Sclerotherapy is also used to treat the lymphatic system of the body.

Sclerotherapy works where the doctor injects a chemical irritant into the veins. This irritant causes inflammation. This inflammation causes a proliferation of connective tissue and this leads to the destruction of the lumen of the vein. This in turn then makes the blood vessels shrink. Sclerotherapy is used to treat children who have lymphatic malformations or vascular problems. For people who are looking for a way to treat varicose viens (spider veins) or hemorrhoids then sclerotherapy is the treatment to achieve this.

There is another method of sclerotherapy called foam sclerotherapy. This works by the doctor injecting a foamed sclerosant drugs into the blood vessel by using a syringe. The foamed sclerosant drugs, polidocanol or Sodium Tetradecyl Sulfate, are mixed with carbon dioxide or air that is contained in the syringe. The reason for the use of the foam is to increase the surface area and effectiveness of the drugs. The foam is better than the other method of sclerotherapy as it wont add to the increasing of the blood vessel wall.

Sclerotherapy has some downside associated with it. If you have this treatment you should be prepared to have some amount of bruising. This will clear with time, but this is typical with this procedure. Another issue that can occur with this procedure is hyperpigmentation. Hyperpigmentation occurs more in small vessels as opposed to larger ones. If you wear clothing that compresses, then you have a higher chance of decreasing the look of hyperpigmentation.

Sclerotherapy is an effective way to treat different conditions. It has minor side effects, but this is the price you have to pay if you are looking to for reduction in your veins.